The following books are available through RHMA. They are designed to help you with your small-town church ministry. All book prices are postage paid.
Books may be ordered by contacting RHMA:
Rural Home Missionary Association
Box 300
Morton, IL 61550
Leading Through Change
by Ron Klassen, Barney Wells, and Martin Giese
No Little Places
by Ron Klassen and John Koessler
Liberating Ministry from the Success Syndrome
by Kent and Barbara Hughes
Tales of the Endless Mountains
by Dollie Harvey
Faith in the Heartland
Joan Denlinger
In Tales of the Endless Mountains, Dollie Harvey shares her early years of ministry as an RHMA missionary.
"Nothing thrills me more than stories of God working in big ways in small places. This is why Tales of the Endless Mountains is such a treasure! Every page contains riveting adventure, humor, and wisdom, all proclaiming God's amazing grace and power. It almost reads like a fictional account. (How could real life in a country church be so dramatic?!) Woven into the tales you will find boat-loads of encouragement, challenges to enlarge your faith, and superb ministry insights — in fact, more (and better!) advice than many books written expressly for that purpose, which qualifies it for a ministry primer. And, I am pleased that it all happened during the Farleys' years of exemplary service with RHMA!"
In Faith in the Heartland, Joan Denlinger chronicles her family's (including a profoundly-disabled daughter) five-year assignment to crisscross America, ministering to the RHMA missionaries.
"The Denlingers show that risk taking isn't just for people in Bible times. They are modern-day risk takers whom God mightily used. Once you pick up this book, you will find it nearly impossible to put down. Don't be surprised if reading it inspires you to think about how you might take a risk for God!"
Ron Klassen, Executive Director, RHMA
TACT Program
3 out of 4 graduates seeking a pastorate will find themselves in a small-town or country church ... Are you prepared?