Opportunities to Give


Click here to donate online.

Donations can also be mailed to:

310 E. Courtland St.
Morton, IL 61550

You can also call RHMA toll free (866-263-2350) and give over the phone by means of a credit card.



Rural Ministry General Fund


The general operating expenses of RHMA
are covered through the donations of interested friends.



Missionary Support


RHMA is a “faith mission” and as such our missionaries are responsible to raise their own support.

Be sure to designate who it is for. If you have no preference, we will apply it to a missionary with a particular need.



Longenecker Fund


The Longenecker Fund is named after the late Dr. Harold Longenecker, one-time RHMA Director, Minister at Large, and Director Emeritus. Harold had long been intentional about his personal lifelong growth and passionate about the growth of others, especially Christian leaders.

The purpose of the Longenecker Fund is to help facilitate the spiritual and professional growth of RHMA missionaries and their children. This is done through grant disbursements for such things as: further education, seminars, conferences, retreats, and sabbaticals.


Rediger Fund


The Rediger Fund is named after C.J. Rediger, founder of RHMA.

The purpose of the Rediger Fund is to give financial assistance to new RHMA churches with start-up needs, and existing RHMA churches with building and remodeling programs. Funds can also be used to aid RHMA churches in other areas of need as monies become available.

I saw the great spiritual needs in the small towns of this land. And there developed a weakness of mine—an inability to forget the faces of the children. These dear ones didn’t need another week-long Bible school. They didn’t need another revival meeting. They needed a rock-solid church, with a full church program. They needed something for the long haul. That’s the vision God burned into my heart—to plant a church in every community in need of a solid church. C. J. Rediger — Founder, RHMA


RHMA is a public charity exempt from federal income tax as an organization described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. All contributions to the Organization are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. If a gift is preferenced for a specific program, our policy is to honor the request of the donor or return the gift. A copy of RHMA’s Form 990 financial report and a full description of the organization’s charitable purposes and activities may be obtained by contacting RHMA at PO Box 300, Morton, IL 61550.


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TACT Program

3 out of 4 graduates seeking a pastorate will find themselves in a small-town or country church ... Are you prepared?

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