RHMA plants and strengthens churches in small towns. Through the years the blessing of God has clearly been evident, as new churches have been established and existing churches given new impetus. In the process, countless have been won to Christ and nurtured in their faith.

RHMA ministers to thousands of town and country churches and pastors through . . .

  • Our staff of church planters and missionary pastors
  • Small-town pastors’ conferences
  • Seminars
  • TACT (Town and Country Training) classes for seminary students
  • Printed, media, and website resources


Do you share RHMA’s passion to meet the spiritual needs of rural America? Then this website may provide just the help and encouragement you are seeking!




A Word from our Executive Director


            Thank you for your interest in RHMA! Whether you are new to rural America or a veteran, please take a look around . . . (click here to continue)



RHMA has received countless calls and emails in recent years from rural churches looking for a pastor. We have come to the conclusion that one thing we can do to help is provide a platform for such churches. Note that this is a listing of churches, not of pastors looking for churches. Click here for more information, and feel free to help us spread the word to evangelical churches and pastors who might find this helpful.












     Click here for further endorsements




Listen in to this recent Small Church podcast with
RHMA’s Executive Director Emeritus Ron Klassen






If you’re a pastor’s wife in rural ministry, we encourage you to check this out! 




Interested in a little information on the who/what/where/why/when of RHMA?


View our 75th anniversary video . . .











Upcoming Conferences

Upcoming Conferences

Join us for an RHMA
Small-Town Pastors'

TACT Program

TACT Program

3 out of 4 graduates seeking a pastorate will find themselves in a small-town or country church ... Are you prepared?

Rural Ministry Resources

Small-Town Updates

Small-Town Updates